Thursday, December 23, 2010

Chapter 9 - Force

“I think that the sacredness of human life is a purely municipal ideal of no validity outside the jurisdiction. I believe that force, mitigated as far as may be by good manners, is the ultima ratio, and between two groups of men that want to make inconsistent kinds of world I see no remedy except force … It seems to me that every society rests on the death of men.”

Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes

Ralph was in the locker room when Fred came in to get ready for the next shift.

“Hey, Fred. What’s going on?”

“Just getting ready for the day from Hell. I hate January 1st when I’m on. I should be home getting over a hangover, not here dealing with last night’s shit. Lucky you, to be off.”

“Speaking of last night’s shit. You wouldn’t believe this guy I picked up for DWI last night at 3 a.m. These cone heads are amazing. He just got released. Couldn’t hold him for DWI ‘cause the machine was broken again. According to Rozz, he was in the tank screaming the first hour he was in there. I can see the headlines; “World Blows Up, Cop Arrests Drunken Conehead.”

“Don’t I feel just terrible.”

Fred started to laugh but was cut off by the air raid sirens. “Hey, it’s not a work day. Didn’t they turn that off for January 1st. Cone Heads! I’m going out to the squad car for a cig Ralph. You want one?”

“Sure, I’m on your heels. Let’s turn on the radio and see if they have anything on this siren.”

Fred unlocked the passenger door for Ralph, went around to the other side and got in the behind the wheel. Ralph got in and opened up the glove compartment and got out Fred’s pack of cigarettes. He knocked out a Camel for Fred and then got one for himself and put the pack back. Fred lit his cigarette, turned on the radio and passed the lit cigarette to Ralph.

“This just in from Chicago. A huge explosion, possibly nuclear, has destroyed the center of the city. This is the emergency broadcasting system. Marshal Law is in effect for all cities that are first strike cities for nuclear terrorists. Please stay tuned to this radio station for further announcements. Do not go outside. We repeat, do not go outside.”

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