Saturday, December 11, 2010

Chapter 22 - Peace and Freedom

“Freedom cannot be trifled with. You cannot surrender it for security unless in a state of war, and then you must guard carefully the methods of so doing.”

Arthur Hays Sulzberger

January 3

 Yesterday, CIA field operative Slim Parker informed us of detected movement towards the 38th parallel in Korea. His satellite photos indicated heavy artillery, tank, and militia transport to the DMZ. Had the North Koreans honored the treaty signed on October 14, 1994 that granted the IAEA access to the North Korean nuclear power plants, the indicated troop movement would not be significant. Because we were unable to determine if the plants had been converted to produce weapons grade plutonium, it is assumed by all governmets that North Korea does have nuclear potential and that they have the means of delivering that potential within a 500 mile radius. This places both South Korea and Japan at risk if escalated confrontation should result in nuclear exchange.

 Our government's international policies are seriously strained by the destruction of Chicago. Domestic unrest has never been this high. There are riots in the streets of New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Houston calling for retribution against the villain that killed their relatives and destroyed our city. The people of the United States are not satisfied with the lip service given by their government so far on who they suspect and the justice that will be exacted. We are, as a nation of leaders, afraid of the turmoil. There have been a few claims to the destruction of Chicago. Those who have made claims, have been bombed within very little time. Unfortunately, it is obvious based on our information, that none of the groups making claims have the capabilities to build nuclear weapons.

 Today the president of South Korea, Roh Tae Woo, called an emergency meeting of the United Nations. He will be asking the free nations of the world to mount a nuclear first strike against North Korea to save his country. There is no doubt that his request will be denied. Who is writing this?

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